Spacing trough Time
Role: Solo project for UAL’s Defining Design for Art Direction course..
Concept: A numeral-free clock guiding participants through shifting hues and light, transforming time perception.
Focus: Interaction of light, shadow, and emotional resonance in shaping temporal experience.
Professor: Louise Healy.
Academic Year: 2023/2024.
My idea was to create an installation that tries transcend conventional boundaries between color and time through a sensory labyrinth. Within this experimental space, the interaction of color and time unfolds as a synchronized dance. At the core of the labyrinth, a clock stripped of numerals guides participants through evolving hues and luminance in tandem with the passage of time. Visitors become immersed in a labyrinth of space and time, where temporal progression isn’t solely dictated by the clock but manifests through Interplays of light, shadow, and emotional resonance. The different light radiations, influencing not only skin tones but also participants’ temporal perception, contribute to the experiment’s multifaceted nature.
What if we are just individuals lost and wandering in an ever-changing labyrinth between space and time?
The centerpiece of the labyrinth is a clock made of two rotating lights, one following the hours, the other one the seconds.